My name is Salim Douaihy and I am a public relations major here at the University of Florida. I was introduced to the Collegiate Veterans Success Center through my role as a student ambassador to the Dean of Students Office. Although I have no formal ties to the military, I have found a great group of friends and mentors here at the CVSC. The CVCS has been instrumental to my college success and has been a great place for me to study, hang out, and spend time with others. I visit the center every day and enjoy having of space where I can spend time between classes. Even though I have not served in the armed forces, the veteran community has been extraordinarily welcoming and has treated me with nothing but kindness and respect. There are few places here on campus that provide the same warm and welcoming atmosphere. I am so grateful for all that the center has provided me and the relationships I have made through my time at the CVSC.